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"The perfect daddy" ________________ Growing up with a father, whom is quite uptight and demanding, made it impossible to build a peaceful connection. They never agreed on anything, along the fact that they rarely ended up with a compromise that suited both parts. Instead, most of the time her father would beat both her, and her beloved little brother up. Despite what people think of their “generous” dad, he isn’t even the one running the business. He put them in business, yes, and he can put them out of business as well, but nothing more, nothing less. That’s why she was a rebellion the first years of her youth, until she realized that her countless attempts, didn’t grant her anything, but violence. As years went by, the hate towards her father grew stronger, but as well as she got angrier, she also became wiser. She suddenly stopped protesting, for a certain reason. Her daddy didn’t know how to get at grip over Rosaleen, because she as a defense mechanism, manipulated his thoughts, which made him weak. He then discovered her only weakness – Gianluca. The only person in the whole wide world, she wants to protect, at any cost. In addition to her father’s new way of using her, she experienced that her objection didn’t do anything but make things worse for her brother. Because of that, she felt forced to stop using her old methods, and instead compose a new approach. She hated not being in control – ergo, knowing her father would always be in possession of the power over the brand, including her brother, she didn’t want to place herself in an unwanted and unnecessary position, where she wouldn’t be authorized to control anything. She thought long term, in opposition of her brother, who always seems to want to make a scene. That being said, she still has some sort of power over her dear daddy; as mentioned, Rosaleen is running the brand, both in the public eye, but also in private. She provides them deals with other huge brands, which also contribute sponsorships, that keeps them in business. For that specific reason, she has a hold of her father, which she now knows how to use for her own advantage. She constantly tries to save her brother, both in private, and in public, but he doesn’t seem to know the effect of his outrageous acts.
Well behaved and functional ________________ Despite Rosaleens countless imperfections, she somehow managed to define herself as the calm and put together sibling. As opposed to her brother, she has throughout the years been very selective of which parts of her private life she wanted to share, as well as her behavior. The image she has built for herself – which is still in progress – is that she is the mature and well-behaved sibling, whom always seems to do the right thing. This includes her, only promoting the scandals that are good for her reputation, and in like manner, make sure that the bad ones are hidden and locked away. As expected, life in the spotlight can be tricky, but luckily Rosaleens intelligence, and manipulative gifts came in handy, which lead to her being able to turn any publicity, into good publicity. Rosaleen is quite intelligent, which appears in her way of expressing herself with words; it’s all about the composition of the sentences, the way of saying things, coupled with when to say it, for it to have the best outcome.
Well spoken, and manipulative ________________ This is where her manipulative skill finds their way into the picture, because she obviously handles media – not only social media, but also interviews - the most. Her father doesn’t quite master his way with words, nor does he speak English fluently, but he most certainly has the skill of a business man. He – despite all the denial – did put them in the position they are in now, and she therefore must grant him the credit for that part. Maintaining it though.. That’s a whole other story. With her ability to make everything seem normal, or at least as if it has a purpose, she takes care of most public events. Her brother has a bad habit of wanting to embarrass, or in some measure provoke their daddy, which assuredly led to their father denying him the ability to speak openly in interviews. He does it anyways, but Rosaleen always explains the context of his big statements, which she refers to as “being misunderstood.”
Incest? ________________ Underneath this perfect illusion, a manipulative, destructive and slightly crazy woman is hiding. Although it is unnoticeable, she has quite a tendency to become obsessive with the people she holds dear. Her brother is one of those, which may come off as both unusual, and normal. It depends on which perspective the situation is seen from. As normal as it is to have certain kind of love for a sibling, Rosaleens love isn’t entirely as expected of her. He’s is the one person, in the whole wide world, that she would take a bullet for. They - regardless of their differences - are so close, that people suspect what’s really going on in their relationship. Though there has never been anything sexual, she has always felt this tension in his absence. It’s sounds horrifying, which it in many aspects is, but she has fallen in love with the idea of Gianluca. He is everything she wants in a man, yet she knows that they are never going to be together, nor should they. She is aware of the fact, that they can’t be together, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t fall in love with the illusion of their perfect relationship, right? This obsession with her beloved brother, makes it hard to function in a regular relationship, as well as in a friendly manner. She compares everyone to Gianluca, and never quite finds anyone whom possesses the competences he does. This also leads into a scary kind of jealousy, whenever she finds out that Luca is playing around with a new girl. Since he’s the only one she really loves, she doesn’t know how to function without him. That’s why she can’t have anyone near him, at least not anything determined. It’s only temporarily each time.. The question is, why?
Scandalous ________________ Keeping the brand relevant, Rosaleen and her beloved brother Gianluca, are forced to be very public, whether they like it or not. A scandal now and then, most definitely keeps the brand alongside successful brands like Gucci and Prada, which then provides them a huge amount of money monthly. These scandals are things from heartwarming charity, to sex-tapes, to such scandalous things, as incest rumors. A few things details have been questioned about the Fratoni sibling’s relationship. People are still wondering, are the rumors real or not? |